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    Good morning and welcome to the future 👋


    💰 Today’s side hustles; tomorrow’s income streams: Step away from the 9 to 5 job and earn $3M a year from the side hustles that you really enjoy. A dream for many of us. This couple turned their dream into reality. Here, they share the mistakes they made so that you can avoid them. CNBC →

    🏃 Keep on exercising: Maybe you’ve heard the theory — willingly believed by many! — that overtraining can cause weight loss to plateau. Sadly, it’s not true. This report debunks the myth and explains what other factors might be preventing those pounds from disappearing. The Conversation →

    ⚛️ A huge leap for nuclear fusion: For the past 40 years, fusion energy has always been ‘40 years away’. Now, thanks to researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Physics, the goalpost may be a significant step nearer. Futurism →

    🚀 Throwing satellites into orbit: Until now, the only way to launch a satellite into space has been to hitch it to a rocket. This startup plans to literally throw satellites into orbit using a giant vacuum chamber and a rotating hypersonic tether. Sounds far-fetched? Maybe not … Extremetech →

    💸 Sobering data on DeFi crime: While DeFi offers a wealth of genuine ways to earn money, the risk of falling victim to a scam is incredibly high. As this report shows, DeFi crime is booming. Reuters →

    Quote of the Day

    You can do anything, but not everything.

    David Allen

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