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    Today’s update is 275 words, 1.4 mins

    Top Stories

    📺 Watch someone try before you buy: Livestream shopping, the concept that took China by storm, is gaining traction in the US as customers benefit from live product presentations via social media and apps. At its current rate of growth, it has the potential to become a major player in the e-commerce and retail sectors. Protocol →

    🚀 Interstellar humanity: Elon Musk’s plans to set up a permanent colony on Mars are just the first step in his vision of establishing human life on other planets. Multi-planetary and, ultimately, interstellar life are, he believes, vital for the long-term survival of the human species. Independent →

    😑 Facial analysis at work: It may not only be our facial expressions on Zoom that reveal our stress levels. Scientists have undertaken a study on ‘emotion recognition’, using AI to identify facial expression patterns in workplace scenarios. It could, in the future, be used to promote health and well-being at work. Unite →


    💸 Rich kids, poor kids: Their lives may be vastly different, yet there are many parallels. This psychologist, who has taught some of the most privileged children in the US, discusses the differences, the issues they have in common, and what they and their parents can learn from each other. Fast Company →

    🧓 Hidden secrets of aging: Aging is bad for your health! Not for everyone though. Why some people live to 100+ and others don’t is still one of life’s mysteries. While different theories abound, discovering the real secret to becoming a healthy centenarian seems as distant as ever. The Conversation →

    Quote of the Day

    Anxiety is experiencing failure in advance.

    Seth Godin

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