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    Good morning and welcome to the future 👋

    The holiday season is here, and shopping is high on the agenda. For those with money to spare, Tesla has launched a new fun vehicle, aimed specifically at kids. However, a delivery in time for the 25th December could be a tall order …

    Today’s update is 257 words, 1.3 mins

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    🚀 Interplanetary travel: Certain milestones in space exploration have been pretty profound. The discovery of water ice on the moon was one such event, indicating the possible existence of life. SpaceX’s Starship rocket, with its potential to reach the outer solar system, is the latest milestone to stir up planetary scientists. Ars Technica →

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    🛍️ Driverless deliveries: 7-Eleven has teamed up with Nuro to launch California’s first autonomous vehicle delivery service. Orders will arrive at customers’ premises within 30 minutes. For safety, a human operator will initially monitor the tech from the driver’s seat. Engadget →

    🚗 Cyberquad fun: Tesla believes in locking in its customers as early as possible. Its new Cyberquad for Kids has a top speed of 10 mph, a range of 15 miles, and a hefty $1,900 price tag. Good fun, but with deliveries only commencing in 2-4 weeks’ time, don’t promise it to your kids for Christmas… Electrek →

    📷 Tiny camera: A camera you can barely see? Researchers have developed an ultra-compact camera. The size of a coarse grain of salt, it produces high-quality, full-color images. Potential uses include minimally invasive surgery for diagnosis and treatment. Princeton University →

    Quote of the Day

    “You become what you think about all day long.”

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

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